Research Main Research interests Research Vision PhD Supervision Name, title, date graduation, link Publications Ernste (2017). Rationality and Discursive Articulation in Place-Making Ernste (2016). Over de relatie tussen mens en de ruimte Lagendijk, van Melik, de Haan, Ernste, Ploegmakers & Kayasu (2014). Comparative Approaches to Gentrification A Research Framework Ernste, Martens & Schaoendonk (2012). The Design, Experience and Justice of Mobility Ernste (2012). Framing Cultures of Spatial Planning Ernste (2010). Bottom-up European Integration_ How to Cross the Threshold of Indifference Ernste (2009). Dutch Human Geography Ernste, van Houtom & Zoomers (2009). Trans-world Debating the place and borders of places in the age of transnationalism Ernste, Hooghuis & Spierings (2009). Aardrijkskunde Olympiade 2008. Leerlingen struikelen over het begrip ‘identiteit’ Ernste (2008). Westforschung jenseits der Territorialitätsfalle. Ein Kommentar aus der Sicht der Geographischen Grenzforschung Ernste (2007). Recensies – Discourse Analysis in Policy Research – Van natte vingerwerk naar wetenschappelijke validiteit Ernste (2007). The international network university of the future and their local and regional impacts Van Houtum, Kramsch & Zierhofer (Ernste was contributor) (2005). Border identities and the regional economics of ‘difference’ Boekema & Ernste (2005). De Cultuur van de Lokale Econome, de economie van de lokale Cultuur Ernste (2005). Debordering subjectivity Ernste (2004). Pragmatism of Life in Post-structuralist Times Ernste (2004). Neue Perspektiven fur Alte Grenzen (New perspectives for old borders) Ernste (2004). Nethur Stadsdag (Nethur Cityday) Ernste (2004). Geographic decision models in theory led evaluation reserach Ernste (2004). Grenzkompetenz : eine Qualifikation fur Europa (Bordercompetence : A qualification for Europe) Ernste (2003). About unlearning in learning regions Ernste (2001) WWW@.NL Van Houtum & Ernste (2001). Re-imagining spaces of (in)difference_ Contextualising and reflecting on the intertwining of cities across borders Ernste (1998). Environmental Governance and Modern Management Paradigms in Government and Private Industry Ernste & Meier (1994). Regional Development and Contemporary Industrial Response: Extending Flexible Specialisation Ernste, Zierhofer & Reichert (1993). Werkzeuge für die Welt-Umwelt-Forschung Ernste (1993). Die Emanzipation der schweigenden Mehrheit Dürrenberger, Ernste, Furger, Jaeger, Steriner & Truffer (1992). Das Dilemma der modernen Stadt Ernste & Fischer (1992). Latent class modeling and typological analysis Dicken, Ernste & Jaeger (1991). Information, Society and Spatial Structure Ernste (1989). The corporate culture and its linkages with the corporate environment Tonnaer, Ernste, Wester & Kelder (1988). Cholinergic innervation and topographical organization of muscarinic binding sites in rat brains: A comparative autoradiographic study Ernste & Jaeger (1986). Neuere Tendenzen schweizerischer Migrationsströme_ Teil 1 _ eine Literaturübersicht zum Phänomen der Entstädterung Ernste& Jaeger (1987). Neuere tendenzen Schweizerischer Migrationsströme_ Teil 2_ Entstädterung in der Schweiz Ernste. Angewandte Statistik in Geografie und Umweltwissenschaften Ernste. Transgressing Borders with Human Geography