
Gentrification 2.0 (Joint Initiative Programme “Urban Europe”)

Inner-city neighbourhoods are often charged a double task; firstly nurturing creative socio-economic places yielding new practices of wealth creation and secondly, lessening social polarisation by constituting places of social and ethnic integration. Building on assemblage theory, Gentrification 2.0 adopts an thoroughly interdisciplinary approach to understanding how different social, economic and spatial processes (problems and potentials) come together in shaping neighbourhoods.

A core thesis is, that despite the many critiques, gentrification remains an important strategic concept. If well elaborated and supported, the concept of gentrification can contribute to new approaches towards neighbourhood development, improving vital social, economic and spatial qualities.


The forgotten emotional and affective aspects of urban space (Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe”)

The Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network has launched a new Joint Research Programme under the theme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe” (HERA JRP PS). Humanities’ perspectives are crucial to understanding the issues and formulating successful policies in this area, on that basis we wish to invite transnational consortia to submit proposals for humanities-led research. Proposed research may draw upon insights and methodologies from a wide spectrum of arts and humanities disciplines. Although humanities-driven, consortia are able to involve contributions from other research domains where appropriate.

The HERA JRP PS wants to mobilize the wide range of multi-disciplinary perspectives necessary to understanding the relationships between “public space”, culture and other phenomena, such as e.g. European integration. The research is expected to give new insights that promote the full potential of citizens’ engagement with European public and cultural spaces; to stimulate public, political and scholarly debate about the future prospects of European integration, and to study new modes of interactive and reciprocal engagement between academics and various types of stakeholders including those working in the media, creative industries, and heritage sectors, as they have proved to be the true vehicles of European integration. The challenge for research is to identify how the relations between culture and integration within the context of public space(s) have been modelled and how they can be better understood in order to contribute to a better world.


Modularisation of on-line courses for flexibilisation, personalisation, outreach and recruitment (Comenius Senior Fellow Programme NRO/NWO)

The Comenius programme stimulates innovation in Dutch higher education. The grants and fellowships enable professionals in higher education to implement their ideals and ideas in practice.

By facilitating a wide range of educational innovations each year, the programme contributes to the improvement of Higher Education in the Netherlands. Furthermore, by demonstrably valuing excellent and inspired teaching, the ministry of education is keen to contribute to more variety in the careers of teachers and researchers at universities and universities of applied sciences.


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