The Alexander von Humboldt Lectures
The Alexander von Humboldt lectures are an initiative of Prof. Huib Ernste
This series of Alexander von Humboldt lectures and related events has the objective:
- to contribute to the theoretical debates on socio-spatial issues across disciplinary and national boundaries;
- to enable talented students and young- as well as leading researchers of our department to get to know these prominent guests and to formally and informally discuss with them topical – research issues;
- to present and discuss the current research of the Department of Geography, Spatial Planning and Environment with the visiting peers;
- to involve other interested researchers and practitioners and to build up an international collaborative network of researchers around the current research themes of the Department of Geography, Spatial Planning and Environment;
- to develop Nijmegen as a distinguished academic ‘hub’ and ‘pivot’ in the field of Geography, Planning and Environment.
The climax of the visits of our Alexander von Humboldt guests is of course their Alexander von Humboldt lecture, which usually takes place in a special setting and is sometimes framed with music. Additionally, these Humboldt lectures are accompanied by several seminars focussed on the research of our Humboldt guests or focussed on related research of young- or leading researchers from the department or from elsewhere. As far as possible also regular students participate in these events or our Humboldt guest gives special guest lectures in the framework of regular courses. This creates the opportunity for regular students to meet the live persons, they usually only read about. In the framework of a ‘social programme’ we also try to establish sustainable personal contacts with our Humboldt guests. Since the boundaries between science, politics, praxis, culture and art are increasingly disappearing the Alexander von Humboldt Lectures are explicitly established as transdisciplinary ‘cultural’ events which create an inspiring reflective atmosphere. The Alexander von Humboldt lectures are broadly announced in several national research schools, the national research foundation, and the Academy of Sciences, in relevant newsletters, journals and mailing lists. In total we have the ambition to make these Alexander von Humboldt events to a great experience, one will not easily forget. Most Alexander von Humboldt lectures are published in scientific media and on the internet.
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
Alexander von Humboldt is often seen as one of the founding fathers of modern scientific geography, as the science of global and local relationships. ‘Der Spiegel’ (2004, No. 38, pp. 162-178) reported about him:
As Alexander von Humboldt more than 200 years ago returned from his five-year-long American travels and put his feet on European earth again, he was celebrated as a resurrected. He was reported lost several times before, but he returned as a romantic conqueror. Amazingly, however: He did not subjugate any nation but rather caught butterflies. The grounds he gained did not yield gold, slaves, or prospection rights — they only involved new ‘worlds of knowledge’.
Moreover, his campaigns were much more strenuous than many military assaults. He navigated jungle streams and reached the summit of the highest known mountain at that time, the Chimborazo. He was an extreme sportsman and a universal scientist at the same time. When he returned to Europe he was 35 years old and handsome, as the salon ladies of those days whispered. High forehead, blue eyes, impeccable manners. He had humour and intellect and the loam of the Orinoco on his turn-down boots. He had the irresistible aura of an adventurer.
He was as old as Napoleon. He was as famous as Napoleon, when he returned in 1804 from his American travels, just after he discussed slavery and the US-Mexican border issue with the American president Thomas Jefferson. This Humboldt, as discoverer, as visionary, as cosmopolitan, as inspirator, after whom the Humboldt University in Berlin was named, showed what a human being can be in these harsh times. He was more than just an exceptional human being — he embodied an attitude, a principle. It was his ambition to bring together all available knowledge of his time in one single book. His Kosmos bore the ambition to represent a universal construction plan and beauty at the same time, in which the whole and the single human being ceaselessly interact. He always thought in relationships. Certainly, many parts of it are outdated. Not outdated, however, is the passion, which is incorporated in these pages.
After his return to Europe he first preferred to stay in Paris, where, notwithstanding all political commotions, the most outstanding scientists and artists were gathered, such as e.g. François Arago, Jean Auguste Ingres, and François René Chateaubriand. In 1827 King Friedrich Wilhelm III calls him to Berlin to add lustre to the Academy of Sciences and as a daily dinner companion. His Kosmos lectures were a sensation. In these lectures, he shows how rewarding it can be not to underestimate his audience, a fact which is still valid today if one would at least try it once in a while. He electrified the scientific community with his lectures. He flavoured his lectures with lived experiences. He literary wanted to bring his investigations to the people; he wants to rub it under their skin. The entry was free. Everyone pilgrimaged to his lectures: teachers, baker-masters, shop girls, delivery boys, professors, noblemen, craftsmen, a big colourful democratic utopian knowledge community. He was probably the first, who, with his 16 lectures attracted the masses and became a wisdom guru, a great populariser, who mediated the sex appeal of knowledge, that is, knowledge which was felt, explored, thoughtful, sensual and challenging.
He was a truly universal scientist and everything but single-minded. He felt at home in many disciplines. Actually, that was the starting point of his project. He was the opposite of a specialist borné. He corresponded with all the famous intellectuals of his time. He wrote about 2000 letters per year, in total about 50’000 of them. He was, what today would be called a ‘networker’. He created the prototype of an international think-tank. He despised honourings. He considered speeches and banquets to be a waste of time. Certainly, he was on the pay list of a reactionary king, but his heart beat for tolerance and emancipation of humankind, which always also implied the emancipation of science. The second volume of his Kosmos was just finished, when he joined the funeral procession for those who were killed in the March Revolution. He wanted to bring forward the best out of the many single disciplines for humankind. He investigated the breathing of fish, the meteorite rain above Venezuela, the hieroglyph calendar of the Aztecs, the arts and philosophy. Meteorology, water management, peace research, the project of a world library, yes, even the Panama Canal — all projects, which can be traced back to von Humboldt. His transdisciplinarity is nowadays more topical than ever before. Humboldt transcended every provinciality. He was a cosmopolitan. He spoke many languages; when he travelled somewhere, he in advance quickly learned the local language. He founded the order ‘pour le mérite’ and fostered the internationalisation of science. Assisted by his fabulous worldwide contacts he managed to rope the Académie des Sciences in Paris, the Royal Society, and the institutions in America, Washington, Mexico and Russia in his world knowledge project.
What Humboldt still inflames in us today is the eros of knowledge. Everywhere the sciences and scientists should recognise the limits of knowledge and continuously seek to gain more and better knowledge. We should come down from our own reductions, we should instead over and over again cross borders and widen our horizon. This is where Alexander von Humboldt can assist us. Through the Alexander von Humboldt Lectures, we challenge our knowledge and immerse in the current debates and try to look for new insights and perspectives. Below you see a list of past lectures:
Past Alexander von Humboldt Lectures:
Prof. Deborah Cowen (University of Toronto, CA)
09.09.21 |
Corridor Colonialism: Securing Circulation on Turtle Island |
Prof. Eberhard Rothfuß (University Bayreuth, DE)
03.09.20 |
The Theory of Recognition and its Relevance for Geography. Empirical evidence from urban Latin America and rural Sub-Sahara Africa |
Prof. Ben Anderson (Durham University, UK)
13.01.20 |
Capitalism and Affective Change: A Geohistory of Boredom |
Prof. Sophie Watson (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
09.12.19 |
City Water Matters: Cultures, Practices and Entanglements of Urban Water |
Prof. Janine Dahinden (University of Neuchâtel, CH)
11.11.19 |
‘De-centring’ research on transnational integration and diversities? |
Steve Davies (Project for Public Spaces, New York, USA)
14.10.19 |
Creating Market Cities: Leveraging the power of public markets as public spaces |
Prof. Tonino Griffero (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, IT)
30.09.19 |
Urban atmospheres and felt-bodily resonances |
Prof. Jürgen Hasse (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, DE)
04.09.19 |
Urbanity – between atmospheres and moods |
Prof. Martin Müller (University of Lausanne, CH)
12.02.19 |
In Search of the Global East Why ‘global’ urbanism is far from global: how we theorised from the North and South but forgot about the East |
Prof. Timothy Raeymaekers (University of Zurich, CH)
06.09.18 |
The Mediterranean Threshold: Mobile Territories and the Deep Border |
Prof. Elisabeth Shove (Lancaster University, UK)
17.11.17 |
Conceptualising and studying connections between practices: examples from energy, mobility and demand |
Prof. Derek Gregory (University of British Columbia, CA)
07.09.17 |
War at a Distance the Modern Battlefield |
Prof. Paul Scheffer (University of Tilburg, NL)
01.09.16 |
The Borders of Europe |
Prof. Colin McFarlane (Durham University, UK)
11.01.16 |
The new global urbanism: Fragments, assemblages, and political formations |
12.01.16 |
Food for Thought Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Colin McFarlane Special guest: Prof. Luuk Boelens (Gent University, BE)
13.01.16 |
Seminar with Prof. Colin McFarlane |
Prof. Robert Beauregard, (Columbia University, New York, USA)
04.01.16 |
Buildings, Cities, and Material Semiotics |
05.01.16 |
Food for Thought Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Robert Beauregard Special guest: dr. Ward Rauws (University of Groningen, NL)
06.01.16 |
Seminar with Prof. Robert Beauregard |
Prof. Kirsten Simonsen (Roskilde University, DK)
14.12.15 |
Cities and Ethnicities: Embodiment, encounters and material mediations |
15.12.15 |
Food for Thought Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Kirsten Simonsen Special guest: Dr. Reinout Kleinhans (Delft University of Technology, NL)
16.12.15 |
Seminar with Prof. Kirsten Simonsen |
Prof. Ignacio Farias (Technical University, Munich, DE)
23.11.15 |
Inhuman urbanity. Reflections on post-tsunami Reconstruction in Chile |
24.11.15 |
Food for Thought Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Ignacio Farias Special guest: dr. Peter Oosterveer (University of Wageningen, NL)
25.11.15 |
Seminar with Prof. Ignacio Farias |
Prof. Loretta Lees (University of Leicester, UK)
05.10.15 |
Planetary Gentrification |
06.10.15 |
Food for Thought Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Loretta Lees Special guest: Dr Wouter van Gent (University of Amsterdam, NL)
07.10.15 |
Seminar with Prof. Loretta Lees |
Prof. Justus Uitermark (Erasmus University of Rotterdam, NL)
10.09.15 |
Opening Lecture of the Human Geography Master Programme 2015-2016: The Mediatisation of the City |
Prof. Mustafa Dikec (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, F)
12.01.15 |
Space, justice and politics |
13.01.15 |
Science Café with Prof. Mustafa Dikec Special guest: dr. Olivier Kramsch (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)
14.01.15 |
Seminar with Prof. Mustafa Dikec |
Prof. Michael Merry (University of Amsterdam, NL)
01.12.14 |
Disadvantage, choice and spatial justice |
02.12.14 |
Science Café with Prof. Michael Merry Special guest: Prof. Stijn Oosterlinck (University of Antwerp, BE)
03.12.14 |
Seminar with Prof. Michael Merry |
Prof. Harvey Jacobs (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
17.11.14 |
Informal Settlement Upgrading in Global Mega-cities: The Human Rights – Property Rights Dilemma |
18.11.14 |
Science Café with Prof. Harvey Jacobs Special guest: Prof. Thomas Mertens (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)
19.11.14 |
Seminar with Prof. Harvey Jacobs |
Prof. Fran Tonkiss (London School of Economics, London, UK)
10.11.14 |
Divided cities: inequality and urban injustice |
11.11.14 |
Science Café with Prof. Fran Tonkiss Special guest: dr. Lothar Smith (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)
12.11.14 |
Seminar with Prof. Fran Tonkiss |
Prof. Susan Fainstein (Harvard Graduate School of Design, Boston, USA)
08.10.14 |
Justice in the Neo-liberal City |
09.10.14 |
Science Café with Prof. Susan Fainstein Special guest: Prof. Marcel Wissenburg (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
10.10.14 |
Seminar with Prof. Susan Fainstein |
Prof. Adboumaliq Simone (Goldsmiths Colledge, University of London, UK)
08.09.14 |
Opening Lecture Master Programme Human Geography 2014-2015: Just the City |
Prof. David Seidl (Business Administration, University of Zurich, CH)
13.01.14 |
Applied science as (productive) misunderstanding |
14.01.14 |
Science Café with Prof. David Seidl Special guest: Prof. Kristina Lauche (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Theme: Engaged Scholarship |
15.01.14 |
Seminar with Prof. David Seidl |
Prof. Mike Hulme (Department of Geography, King’s Colledge London, UK)
16.12.13 |
Who governs the climate? Agency, knowledge and the limits of democracy |
17.12.13 |
Science Café with Prof. Mike Hulme Special guest: dr. Esther Turnhout (Wageningen University) Theme: Organising Knowledge Production for Politics |
18.12.13 |
Seminar with Prof. Mike Hulme |
Prof. Michael Gunder (Department of Planning, University of Auckland, NZ)
21.10.13 |
Spatial Planning’s Words of (Ideological) Power |
22.10.13 |
Science Café with Prof. Michael Gunder Special guest: Prof. René ten Bos (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Theme: Planning and Philosophy: the limits of planning and the limits of knowing |
23.10.13 |
Seminar with Prof. Michael Gunder |
Prof. Stephan Fuchs (Department of Sociology, University of Virginia, USA)
30.09.13 |
Observing Observers |
01.10.13 |
Science Café with Prof. Stephan Fuchs Special guest: Prof. Kristof Van Assche (University of Alberta, CA) Theme: Reflexivity |
02.10.13 |
Seminar with Prof. Stephan Fuchs |
Dr Christina Hentschel (Dept. of Urban Sociology, Humboldt University Berlin, DE)
03.09.13 |
Opening Lecture Master Programme Human Geography 2013-14: Rethinking Cities from the South |
Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones (School of Architecture Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK)
14.01.13 |
Land of Promise: Addressing Long-Term Spatial Trends in an Era of Diminutive Planning |
15.01.13 |
Master Class with Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones about ‘Strategic spatial planning vs. new localised participatory commitments’ |
16.01.13 |
Workshop with Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones |
Prof. Robert Cervero (Colledge of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, USA)
07.01.13 |
Sustainable Mobility, Place-making, and Economic Competitiveness: Striking a Balance |
08.01.13 |
Master Class with Prof. Robert Cervero about ‘Sustainable Mobility through Mixed Land Uses and Balanced Regional Growth: Theory and Empiricism’ |
09.01.13 |
Workshop with Prof. Robert Cervero |
Prof. Don Mitchell (Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University, USA)
10.12.12 |
Making What Kind of City – and Whose – Work? The Push for Policing-Centred Community Cohesion and Its Implications for the Right to the City |
11.12.12 |
Master Class with Prof. Don Mitchell about ‘Radical Geography, People’s Geography, Community Geography: Modes of Intellectual/Political Engagement’ |
12.12.12 |
Workshop with Prof. Don Mitchell |
Prof. Chris Webster (School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, UK)
26.11.12 |
Making Cities Work with Less but Better Planning |
27.11.12 |
Master Class with Prof. Chris Webster discussing (a) theories of spontaneous order from classical political science and from modern complexity science; (b) ways of thinking about cities that link urban morphological studies, complexity science, new institutional economics, economic geography and network modelling; (c) ways of thinking about planning that respects the self-organising power of individual economic and social agents |
28.11.12 |
Workshop with Prof. Chris Webster |
Prof. Benedikt Korf (Dept. of Geography, University of Zurich, CH)
04.09.12 |
Opening Lecture Master Programme Human Geography 2012-13: On Geography, Violence, Conflict and Planetary Futures |
Prof. Sarah Whatmore (School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, UK)
28.11.11 |
Practising more-than-Human Geographies: Thinking with/through materials |
29.11.11 |
Master Class with Prof. Sarah Whatmore about “The methodological implications of ‘doing’ more-than-human styles of research”, focusing on the example of environmental knowledge controversies as a critical nexus between geographical practice and Isabelle Stengers’ notion of ‘cosmopolitics’ + Bruno Latour’s notion of ‘dingpolitik’ |
30.11.11 |
Workshop with Prof. Sarah Whatmore |
Prof. Jean Hillier (School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning, RMIT University Melbourne, AU)
07.11.11 |
Strategic Navigation across Multiple Plan(e)s: towards a Deleuzean-inspired Methodology for strategic spatial planning |
08.11.11 |
Master Class with Prof. Jean Hillier about ‘Deleuzian Spatial Practices’ |
09.11.11 |
Workshop with Prof. Joris van Wezemael about ‘Re-conceptualising Spatial Planning Practices’, with commentaries by Prof. Jean Hillier |
Prof. Stephan Günzel (BTK Academy of Design, Berlin, DE)
28.09.11 |
Image – Space – Action: Mediated Spatial Practices |
29.09.11 |
Master Class with Prof. Stephan Günzel about ‘Merleau Ponty’s Phenomenology of Spatial Practice’ |
30.09.11 |
Workshop with Prof. Maarten Coolen about ‘Pactices of Space and Place’ with commentaries by Prof. Stephan Günzel |
Prof. Theodore Schatzki (Department of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
12.09.11 |
The Spaces of Practices and Large Social Phenomena |
13.09.11 |
Master Class with Prof. Ted Schatzki about ‘Martin Heidegger: Theorist of Space’ |
14.09.11 |
Workshop with contributions by: Prof. Mathis Stock about ‘Doing with Space: Towards a pragmatics of space’ and Dr Michael Jonas about ‘The Social Site Approach versus the Approach of Discourse/Practice Formations’ |
Prof. Claudio Minca (Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, NL)
08.09.11 |
Opening Lecture of the 2011-12 Master programme in Human Geography: Travels, bodies, modernities: notes on presentation, representation and practice |
Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (Department of Sociology, University of Lucerne, CH)
10.01.11 |
European Spaces: The inclusion and exclusion of strangers |
11.01.11 |
Research seminar with Prof. Kristof Van Assche and Prof. Rudolf Stichweh |
12.01.11 |
Research seminar |
Prof. Michael Wintle (Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam, NL)
13.12.10 |
The Image of Europe: Visualising a Continent |
14.12.10 |
Research seminar |
Prof. Simin Davoudi (School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK)
06.12.10 |
Spatial Planning and European Identity Building |
07.12.10 |
Research seminar |
Prof. Luiza Bialasiewicz (Dept. of Geography, Royal Holloway University, UK)
29.11.10 |
Europe in the World: EU Geopolitics and the Management of Borders |
30.11.10 |
Research seminar |
01.12.10 |
Guest lecture ‘Borders and Identities in Europe’ |
Prof. Stuart Elden (Dept. of Geography, Durham University, UK)
09.09.10 |
The Emergence of Territory |
10.09.10 |
Research seminar |
Prof. Tim Cresswell (Dept. of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
24.03.10 |
On Turbulence |
25.03.10 |
Research seminar |
26.03.10 |
Workshop |
Prof. Guy Baeten (Dept. of Geography, Lund University, SE)
10.03.10 |
Contradictions of Mobility and Degenerate Utopias in Post-Political Times |
11.03.10 |
Research seminar |
12.03.10 |
Workshop |
Prof. Vincent Kaufmann (Dept. of Sociology, Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH)
10.02.10 |
Re-thinking mobility |
11.02.10 |
Research seminar |
12.02.10 |
Workshop |
Prof. Peter Peters (Dept. of Philosophy, University of Maastricht, NL)
03.02.10 |
Travel Time in Technological Cultures |
Prof. Benno Werlen (Dept. of Geography, Jena University, DE)
10.09.09 |
Opening Lecture of the 2009-10 Master programme in Human Geography: Places of Geography: from the Social-theoretical and from the socio-political perspective |
Prof. Jacob Torfing (Roskilde University, DK)
17.03.09 |
How to measure and improve the democratic anchorage of governance networks |
18.03.09 |
Doing Discourse Analysis (PhD workshop) |
19.03.09 |
Poststructuralist discourse theory: argument, relevance and methodological challenges (research seminar) |
Prof. John Forrester (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
18.02.09 |
A critical naturalistic discourse analysis: Exploring democratic subject formation and the enactment of democratic inter-subjectivity |
18.02.09 |
Crafting a good academic writing strategy (PhD workshop) |
Prof. Annemarie Mol (University of Amsterdam, NL)
05.02.09 |
What methods do. Evocative questions and difficult audiences |
05.02.09 |
Doing research relationally…making sense of traces, flows and edges (research seminar) |
06.02.09 |
(PhD workshop) |
Prof. Michael Crang (Durham University, UK)
26.11.08 |
Ethnographic Vision: Objectification, Subjection and Reflection |
27.11.08 |
Doing Ethnographies (guest lecture) |
28.11.08 |
Worlding words: debates on materiality, relevance and representation (PhD workshop) |
Prof. Andrew Sayer (Lancaster University, UK)
12.11.08 |
Who is afraid of critical social science? A critique of the decline of critique |
13.11.08 |
Why Things Matter: Social Science and Value (research seminar) |
14.11.08 |
(PhD workshop) |
Prof. Thomas Faist (University of Bielefeld, DE)
10.12.07 |
The Rocky Expansion of Multiple Membership: Multicultural and Dual Citizenship |
11.12.07 |
Migration and Development: Towards a Transnational North-South View (research seminar) |
12.12.07 |
The Transnational Social Question: Social Rights and Citizenship in a Global Context (guest lecture) |
12.12.07 |
Diversity as New Paradigm for Integration (guest lecture) |
Prof. Franck Düvell (Universty of Oxford, UK)
26.11.07 |
Illegal/Irregular Immigration in Europe |
27.11.07 |
Crossing the Fringes of Europe: Transit Migration in the EU’s Neighbourhood (research seminar) |
28.11.07 |
The borders and challenges of the multicultural society (research seminar) |
28.11.07 |
The EU border and migration policy (guest lecture) |
Prof. Joseph Carens (University of Toronto, CA)
15.10.07 |
Immigration and Democratic Principles |
16.10.07 |
Open Borders: Why are Borders not Open and Should They Be? (research seminar) Introduction by Prof Joseph Carens Comments by: Prof Veit Bader (IMES, University of Amsterdam), dr Roland Pierik (Faculty of Management, University of Nijmegen) dr Ronald Tinnevelt (Faculty of Law, University of Nijmegen) After each lecture: Plenary discussion |
17.10.07 |
Open Borders (guest lecture) |
Prof. Alejandro Portes (Princeton University, USA)
14.05.07 |
From Immigrants to Ethnics: The Politics of Immigration |
14.05.07 |
Research seminar with Prof. Alejandro Portes |
Prof. Tim Richardson (University of Sheffield, UK; University of Aalborg, DK)
25.01.07 |
Seminar on methods |
24.01.07 |
PhD Seminar: Policy and Planning |
23.01.07 |
A Governmentality Perspective on the Relation Between Policy and Everyday Life: Making (auto)mobilities |
23.01.07 |
Student course “Economics of management sciences” – The dominance of economic thinking in transport policy and planning, with examples from the UK, EU and South Africa. |
Prof. Geoff Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
14.12.06 |
Seminar: The Evolution of Institutions: the Functions and Implications of Habit |
13.12.06 |
Guest lecture in the course Institutional Dynamics: What are institutions? |
12.12.06 |
Institutional Economics and the Individual Actor |
Prof. Frank Fischer (State University, New Jersey, USA)
15.11.06 |
PhD Seminar with Prof. Frank Fischer |
14.11.06 |
Citizens and Experts in Public Deliberation: Knowledge in Social Context |
Prof. Joe Painter (University of Durham, UK)
11.10.06 |
PhD Seminar with Prof. Joe Painter |
10.10.06 |
Bio-Politics and Regional Governance |
Prof. Jósef Böröcz (Rudgers University, USA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU)
07.03.06 |
Coloniality and the EU: Speaking Through the Switch and the Broadband Strategies of Inferiorization When It is Not OK to Inferiorize |
Prof. Jane Jacobs jr. (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
13.02.06 |
Postcolonial Materialities: Or, the Politics of Making Big Things Small, and Small Things Big |
Prof. Kristin Ross (New York University, USA)
19.11.05 |
Mediterranean Noir: The Postcolonial Geography of European Crime Fiction |
Prof. Harry Harootunian (New York University, USA)
19.11.05 |
Modernisation Redux |
Prof. Frances Gouda (University of Amsterdam, NL)
24.10.05 |
Here and There, Now and Then: Place, Gender, and Race in Oriental and Occidental Landscapes |
Prof. Patsy Healey (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK)
10.10.05 |
Spatial Planning and Imagining Cities |
11.10.05 until 14.10.05 |
Tuesday: Post-Grad Day (PhD seminar with Patsy Healy) Wednesday: Strategy Day (Patsy Healy shedding light on strategy of GaP-Research-Plan) Thursday: Round table discussion with planning experts on issues of (new) planning cultures (organised in collaboration with the Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia – (Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) ILS, Dortmund) Friday: Patsy Healy giving a guest lecture in a regular student course |
Prof. Benedikt Anderson (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
19.09.05 |
Early Globalisation, Anticolonialism, and Anarchism Networks of Resistance in the Time of the Telegraaf |
Prof. Erik Swyngedouw (Oxford University, UK)
07.12.04 |
Let the People Govern? Civil Society, Governmentality and Governance-Beyond-the-State |
08.12.04 until 10.12.04 |
Additional Seminars with Prof. Erik Swyngedouw |
Prof. Etienne Balibar (University of California, Irvine, USA; University of Paris X – Nanterre, F)
10.11.04 |
Europe as Borderland Models of Transnational Citizenship |
11.11.04 |
An open conversation with Balibar (moderated by Olivier Kramsch, Barbara Hooper and Henk van Houtum) |
Prof. Peter Meusburger (University of Heidelberg, DE)
14.06.04 |
Knowledge and Power: Geographical aspects of the relation between knowledge and power |
15.06.04 |
Culture Without Knowledge: Some Questions to the New Cultural Geography |
Prof. Saskia Sassen (University of Chicago, USA)
11.03.04 |
Multiplying and Repositioning Borders in a Global Digital Age |
12.03.04 |
Toward a Feminist Analytics of the Global Economy: Crossborder Issues of Immigration, Labour, and Networked Resistance |
Prof. Bob Jessop (Lancaster University, UK)
10.02.04 |
The Political Economy of Scale |
11.02.04 |
Research Seminar on Prof. Jessop’s Latest Research |
12.02.04 |
Research Seminar with Prof. Jessop on YOUR own research |
Prof. Ulrike Meinhof (University of Southampton, UK)
22.05.03 |
Qualitative Methods Workshop: Interview techniques and discourse analysis |
22.05.03 |
Changing borders changing nations changing identities: Discourses of identification at the EU’s eastern borders |
23.05.03 |
Seminar on Meinhof’s latest work: Living with Borders Identity Discourses on East-West Borders in Europe |
Prof. Edward Soja (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
09.10.02 |
Metropolis Unbound: Rethinking the Relations Between Borders, Cities, and Regions |
08.10.02 |
Remapping the governance of urban space; the case of L.A. |
Prof. David Newman (Ben Gurion University, ISR)
30.09.02 |
Geo-political and territorial dimensions of the Israel / Palestine conflict |
Prof. Huib Ernste (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)
27.06.02 |
Transgressing Borders with Human Geography (inaugural speech) – further reading |
Prof. Wolfgang Natter (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
05.03.02 |
Civic Identity, Professionalism and Global Regionalism |
04.03.02 |
Film and the ‘New Cultural Geography’ |
Prof. Doreen Massey (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
25.01.02 until 27.01.02 |
Globalisation, Anti-Globalisation and Against Globalisation (Reading-Weekend) |
24.01.02 |
Rethinking space: feminist reflections |
Prof. Dan Hiebert (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA)
26.11.01 |
Towards an intellectual political economy: The strategy and reception of academic research on Canadian immigration policy |
Prof. Manuel Castells (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
08.10.01 |
Local and Global: Cities in the network society (KNAG Lecture) commentary in the magazine for management science org |
Prof. Derek Gregory (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA)
06.06.01 |
Producing and Performing Space: Rumours from Cairo |
Prof. David Ley (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA)
08.05.01 |
From Humanistic Geography to Social Constructivism in the context of action theory, behavioural theory, post-structuralism… |
02.05.01 |
Action Theory and Public Policy: The case of government intentions, migrant subversions, and transnational outcomes |
12.04.01 until 04.05.01 |
‘Regional Development 2’ and ‘Urban and rural development’ (course) |
Prof. Trevor Barnes (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA)
24.04.01 |
Re-Theorising Economic Geography (workshop) |
04.04.01 |
Location, Location, Location: Studying locational decisions of economic agents in the space economy. From the old locational school to Paul Krugman’s ‘New economic geography’ |
09.04.01 until 26.04.01 |
‘Advanced Economic Geography’ (course) |
Prof. John Paul Jones III (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
13.12.00 |
Methodology in Geographical Sciences (workshop) |
06.12.00 |
Theorising Organisations |
Prof. Anssi Paasi (University of Oulu, FIN)
09.11.00 |
The Re-Construction of Borders: social and the spatial |
07.11.00 |
Reconstructing Regions and Regional Identity (workshop Discussant: Peter Taylor) |
Prof. Peter Weichhart (University of Salzburg, AT)
23.09.99 |
Social Geography and Spatial Planning – on people and life-world rationality in the planning process |
16.09.99 until 17.09.99 |
Spatial Identity (two-day intensive course) |
Dr. Wolfgang Zierhofer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, CH)
29.07.99 |
Human Geography and Environmental Social Science in the Aftermath of Modernity? |
22.07.99 |
Human Geography a Social Science? |
Prof. Edward Soja (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
08.03.99 |
The New Cosmopolis Globalisation and Postfordist Industrial Restructuring |
05.03.99 |
Space, Space, Space.The Thirdspace: Expanding the Scope of the Geographical Imagination |